Friday, September 7, 2007

question #1 response

question #1 response

I think brainstorming is the worst because you have to think real hard and understand the sequence and the processing and the details.Also brainstorming takes alot of brainwork. another thing is drafting, because you have to no where to indent and put the word together.


ajoshua4 said...

I'm sorry but i have to disagree. If you brianstorm all you have to do is think up an idea. For me, thats easy but i guess other people have other challenges for them.

mquiles4 said...

Well i think that all people have different things they stuggle at. But brainstorming is not that g=hard all you have to do is think of what you are going to write about.but hopefully some day you wont have so much stuggle with it GOOD LUCK!